Saturday, April 26, 2008

I am here! I am


Technical difficulties and gremlins have been plaguing me. Hopefully, they will be fixed soon.

The crowd shouts, "Are you there?"


Saturday, April 19, 2008

Off to the Broadway Series

to see Momma Mia and then to the Squeeze Inn.

Review and opinions on both later.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Even More Delays

AND yesterday was supposed to be a ten for me.

I am having difficulty uploading my photos for 12 of 12 today. Yea, I know its the 15th. But with dial up and then Monday being manic among my peers, need I say more?

Photos to come as soon as the techno monkeys arrive.


Sunday, April 13, 2008


The crowd was ecstatic when I announced there would be no commuting photos for this month's expose for 12 of 12.

Little did they know that technical difficulties would prevent them from seeing any photos. Having difficulty with the dial-up, so photo posting will have to wait until the 'morrow, when I can hit the Internet cafe down the street from work.

Now, it off to finish using the weed-wacker to knock down the fire hazards.

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Thursday, April 10, 2008

12 of 12 is SATURDAY

I love participating in the 12 of 12 project started by the wonderful Chad Darnell.

For those of you not familiar with the project, it is simply recording your day in photos.

Narratives are not required, but photos are.

We will give the crowd what they want: No commuting photos.


Six Word Meme

As promised on Wednesday when I was tagged by the beautiful Bonnie, here is my six word meme.

Look up. Grab mane. Squeeze. FLY!!!!!!!

Photo will follow tomorrow.

Now, I am supposed to tag six additional blogs. Herein lies my dilemma. I don't know six other people who blog, besides those already tagged.

So, I am modifying the "rules": I am tagging a few regular closet readers (Hey there are some) to try it.

Ready, Set, Go:

Ron, Muriel, Loree, Lyn, Lynette and Manda.


Wednesday, April 09, 2008

I've been tagged

Dear Sister-in-Law, Bonnie, has tagged me.

Details to follow.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

The Madness is Over

for this year.

Congrats, JayHawks. A well deserved comeback. Could not have asked for a better game, 'cept maybe having the Tigers win. (and yes, I will be contacting the Memphis coach to see if he will accept my offer not to root for his team next year when it really matters. ;))

Thanks for the memories.

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Monday, April 07, 2008

Well, I was Half correct

And in baseball, that would be batting .500. Hitters strive for FIVE HUNDRED. But this is Madness at its best.

Well, the Tigers did put the Bruin out of his misery, but the JayHawks really thumped them TarHeels.

So, who will win tonight? Do I continue with Memphis, knowing that the team I chose usually loses? Or do I go with Kansas, who steamrolled North Carolina?


Memphis by 5.

Friday, April 04, 2008

Off to Beautiful Fresno

The Raisin capital of the world. Not quite the armpit, but close.

Kevin and Kelly are celebrating their 40th birthday this weekend. So, it is off to Fresno we go.

Party on, dude!!!

So, there will be no March Madness or Formula 1 update until Monday or Tuesday, depending on how long it takes for me to recover.

Go Tigers!!!!!


April Fool's Day Joke

I thought I had made it through the day without incident until my co-worker brought this photo into me about a cat she "found". It took me a minute to realize that she doesn't live anywhere near a "Sunset Blvd." THEN, I got the photo.
Very good one. Wish I had thought of it.
