Wednesday, May 28, 2008

B, BA, BOM Day Fifteen

Today's grateful thought is sort of a backhanded gratefulness issue. I am very grateful for being able to easily fall asleep.

I have a couple of acquaintances, who are continually, constantly, complaining about not being able to sleep for more than four hours at a stretch, or for being up all night the night before. They are exhausted during the day, but up all night doing "stuff". (One bakes, one reads, one sews. Their lists are never ending and neither is their complaining about it).

For me, going to sleep is nearly always a "piece of cake". I go to bed, hit the pillow and never look back. Not even my snoring will arouse me. I learned along time ago to leave my day-world at the door. Works 360 or so nights a year. But there are those other five nights. And last night was one of them.

For the five nights, give or take a few, per year that I have difficulty falling asleep and I can't pin it on a specific problem, I have one rule. Try complete relaxation (I start with my toes. I tell my toes they are asleep and progress up the body) and if I am not asleep by the time I reach my head, I get up and go do something productive. Maybe only one or two times a year do I get past my shoulders, usually I am out by the time I hit my knees.

Not last night.

So, as I sit, in my office, staring blankly into the piles of work, the one with phone calls, the one with reports to write, the one with additional research to be conducted, I am truly grateful for the "normal" ability to fall asleep.



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