Sunday, January 06, 2008


I am researching an EXTREMELY emotional issue affecting a small but interesting segment of our national heritage. (More on the topic later).

Here is what I have discovered thus far:

The more I read, the more I find that everyone is VERY passionate about THEIR side. And critical to the point of hatred, quickly pointing out how useless the opposition is.

  • Never mind the "facts", or lack there of.
  • Never mind that for "every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." (Hey, Professor, you thought I wasn't paying attention didn't you?)
  • Never mind that there is a reason, albeit economic, cultural, or lifestyle that dictates the practice. And it is done on a large scale in many other areas.
  • Each side has their "Lady Macbeth's". (Me thinks thou dost protest too much).
  • And the number of "do as I say, not as I do" mentalities I have encountered has been a real eye opener. It is hypocritical to say the least.
So, I am learning to accept their points of view as I dig for the facts to my questions.

Let you know what I find.


At 9:04 PM, January 06, 2008 , Blogger Bonnie said...

Oooh, so very intriguing! I'm excited for you and proud of you. And so interested! XO


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