Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Lunar Magic and Baseball

Well, the camera is still not fixed, for which I am very bummed. Really needed it last night for both the RiverCats game and the full moon lunar eclipse.

The pitcher for the Cats, Dallas Braden, gave up two singles to start the game. But that is where it ended. He struck out 17, including everyone in the line up at least once and threw a complete game. He threw 106 pitches, but the amazing part was that 81 of those were for strikes. Three out of four pitches were strikes. I haven't seen anything like that in years. The Cats won 3-0.

Don't know if we will get to their two remaining games, but do plan on attending one play-off game. Good stuff, right in our backyard.

Speaking of backyards, that is where I spent the early morning hours from about 2:55am to 3:55am. Watching the lunar eclipse. The birds, frogs and crickets all became eerily silent as the rusty-red-orange hue began to smolder in the night sky. The equines all sought shelter in their pens. And although the day-time temperatures are not convinced, Fall is quickly approaching, as Orion and Taurus are once again visible low in the horizon of the early morning sky and the Big Dipper is slowing spilling its wares. If you missed the show, check out space.com they have a cool slide show.


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