Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Thumper's Father was Correct

He was so smart his advice: If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. Can be it carried over to If you can't say anything, say nothing?

Apparently, since I haven't spoken to the masses via this blog in weeks, I am taking this wise old sage's advice and not saying anything by choosing not to blog. (Unintentional; however, the result is the same).

Well, here is what I have learned these past few weeks.

  1. I am smarter than I previously believed I am. (Not sure if that makes me smarter than a fifth grader or not.)
  2. I am stronger mentally than I ever believed. (I do need to get tougher in some areas and less anal in others).
  3. I am a creature of habit and that's not always a bad thing.
And, although this list is much longer, it is boring. So, to the masses, I say: I am here. I am doing well; learning mucho stuff, most of it useful; busier, but more organized than ever (except for keeping the masses updated); and enjoying it all.



At 9:16 PM, August 01, 2008 , Blogger Bonnie said...

The crowd roars!!!!!!!!!


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