Sunday, March 09, 2008

Why I Love the Month of March

It is the month by favorite "little" brother was born.

It is the month of my mother-in-law's birth and without her, there would be no loving adorable spouse.

It is the month of Madness.

It is the month the flowers start to emerge. (Photos to follow during 12 of 12.)

It is unpredictable weather wise. It can be 75 or 30. You have to keep your coat and sunscreen handy. Break out the shorts; or find those earmuffs.

It is the month that we change the time back to Arizona time, giving me more daylight in the evening so I can spend it with Luke. (and even earlier this year. YEA!!)

It is the month of the 12 hours of Sebring.


THE FERRARIS ARE BACK!!!!!!! Yes. Yes. The Formula One Season starts. THANK YOU, SPEED Channel for carrying the races live. Even if I have to wake up at 4am to watch most of them.

Yea, March is a good month.


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