Thursday, June 21, 2007

Questions with some answers

I borrowed from the lovely, Bonnie, who borrowed from Amy the Writer.

1] What was the highlight of your weekend?
Not turning on the air conditioner.

2] Whose car were you in last?
Mine. Chevy One-ton crew cab

3] What color shirt are you wearing?
White logo shirt

4] How long is your hair?
Just below my shoulders.

5] Who's on your mind right now?

6] Last movie you saw at the theater?
Pirates Two. Three was sold out this past weekend.

7] Last thing you ate?

8] Last thing you drank?

9] Where did you sleep last night?
My bed.

10] Are you happy right now?
Not really.

11] What did you say last?
I can walk down the hall now. (We’ve been storing the CPR manikins for two weeks and walking around the bodies.)

12] Where is your phone?
Who cares?

13] Favorite comedian?
Red Skelton

14] What color are your eyes?
Today, green. Tomorrow who knows

15] Who came over last?
Bruce to see what I was laughing about.

16] Name the last three things you bought?
Pelham bit and converters for Luke. Fuel for the Escape.

17] Who do you hate?
That’s strong. Um, let me think. Ah, yes, people who don’t get it.

18] What are you listening to?
Hitchhiker’s guide to the Galaxy sound track. (poor Arthur)

19] What is your weapon of choice?
My smile

20] What's your favorite smell?
Peppermint candies.

21] Does someone have a crush on you?
My the good lord help them if they do

22] What were you doing at midnight last night?
Wandering through my dreamscape trying to figure out why I was on my co-worker’s boat in the middle of the dead sea.

23] What was the first thing you thought when you woke up?
WHAT’S that awful noise? (Turns out it was a rabbit in the grasp of a coyote)

24] Are you left-handed?

25] Spell your name without vowels:
lzbth jhnsnstvns.

26] How many pairs of jeans do you own?
That fit? 4

27] What colors do you wear most often?
Navy and white (corporate colors)

28] What's for dinner tonight?
$1.00 Hot Dogs, Ice Cream and water at the ball park

29] When Is Your Birthday?
11-29: the day famous people die

30] Who was the last person to send you a txt message?

31] Last time you went swimming in a pool?

32] Where was the last place you went shopping?
Buckeye Ranch and Saddle Shop.

33] How do you feel about your hair?
Hate it, but I manage

34] How's the weather?
Pleasantly warm.

35] What's one thing people are always saying to you?
That bitch.

36] Have you ever visited another country?
Yes. Mexico, Canada, and Norway

37] What's your standard greeting when you answer the phone?
Good ____. This is Elizabeth. May I help you? (unless I know who it is by the caller id, then all bets are off)

38] Do you own a pair of handcuffs?
Think so, some where.

39] Do you use the word pussy?
Every time I watch Goldfinger.

40] Do you put ketchup on your eggs?
Ugh, No.

41] Do you put mayo on your burgers?
I don’t put mayo on anything.

42] Have you kissed somebody in the last two weeks?
Does my horse count? Of course.

43] Who did you dance with last?

44] Song playing?
Bad to the Bone

45] What color is your underwear?
Rainbow striped

46] Do you want platinum or gold for your wedding band?
Black hills gold

47] Do you think that the tobacco companies should pay for people's medical bills?
There is not enough room or time to answer that one.

48] What scares you?
Failure. “There is no try. There is do or not do.” Yoda, Jedi Master.


At 2:53 AM, July 19, 2007 , Blogger bon said...

This is so awesome! I should visit your blog more often. Got way too busy this month. :)


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