Wednesday, March 14, 2007

"If you can't say anything nice,

Don't say anything at all."

Don't remember who said it originally, but I always credit Thumper's Father from the Disney film Bambi. The problem with practicing this adage is that sometimes, one’s silence is perceived to be compliance or acceptance of a pending action or notion. Other times, not nice things need to be said.

I guess that is where tact comes into play. And, well, "I ain't got none." I am working on learning this concept, but sometimes things just come flying out.

Some might say it is because I am a Sagittarian. Others might say it is because I was born in the year of the Dog. I say I am skeptical but practical. Many times I leap, simply hoping to land in a new place. Sometimes, I don’t leap, but mostly when everyone else is. Am I simply a Contrarian or just a BEEATCH?


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