Thursday, August 24, 2006

And away we go

This is about the third or fourth time I have started a blog. Better late than never, I guess.

I am working on that never part. There are so many things I want to do, or more correctly that I should do, that I don't.

Why? Well, a very wise soul told me it was because if I don't, then I, somehow don't feel responsible. But that isn't true, because if it is something I said I would do, and I didn't, and it didn't get done, then I am responsible for it not getting done.

Ah, well. To work on the procrastinator with in.



At 2:34 PM, August 24, 2006 , Blogger Bonnie said...

Better late than never?? Or "third or fourth time's the charm"??


Love you!!


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